
Foolproof Steps to Instantly Become Best Friends with Anyone!

It’s not unusual for acquaintances to be drawn together by their shared love of a particular hobby or even an event like the World Cup. However, it may take a little more effort to forge lasting friendships with someone who does not share your interests.

Like any other challenge, becoming close with someone can take time and effort. Here are some foolproof strategies that will enable you to instantly become best friends with anyone!

1. Smile!

I’m sure that you’ve come across instances where someone seems to be waiting for a bus in the middle of an activity, or they seem overwhelmed while conversing with strangers – but that doesn’t mean they’re not friendly!

If you’re attempting to make friends at your unfamiliar surroundings, then it’s paramount that you smile! This can go a long way in establishing rapport whether one is meeting new people or merely encountering them.

2. Ask questions (don’t just stare at them with your jaw open).

If you find out that someone is curious about a particular topic in your line of work, don’t be afraid to ask them for their input. When it comes to small talk, inquiring about others’ interests is one of the best ways to break the ice and forge bonds of friendship!

After gaining more insight into their personalities, it will prove beneficial when you choose what questions to ask next.

3. Make friends with the person behind the counter (serve them first they’re probably lonely).

I’m a resident of the U.S., but when I venture overseas, it is common practice for me to seek out where locals eat at lunchtime.

During my most recent trip to Tokyo, one of the establishments which offered a stellar customer experience was a Starbucks located in the Japantown district. The barista who greeted me had been working at this location for over 20 years; his connection with both myself and his co-workers was evident as we chatted about our respective expeditions.

Indeed, like many people across the world, I can attest that these individuals are often genuine, willing to converse about anything and everything – all while maintaining their professional demeanor.

People, as a result of their busy schedules and/or disassociated social ties, are often left with a void in their lives. Not only do they feel lonely; but if you take the time to become acquainted with them – chances are that they’ll be just thrilled at having found an unexpected close companion!

Don’t let your friends down by lagging behind with correspondence or empty platitudes after meeting someone new. To forge a bond with those around you, all it takes is a little effort!

If someone invites you out for coffee, don’t waste their time by inviting an additional two individuals. Take them up on their offer without any hesitation whatsoever–that will signal that you’re serious about making this new acquaintance last.

4. Go out of your way to say hi to people you pass on the street (it takes only 10 seconds!).

Are you trapped in a store or office all day, and your interactions with others are limited to texting, emails and phone calls? Take advantage of these opportunities! Make an effort to engage with strangers when you’re out and about.

You may not have much more than 10 seconds to strike up a conversation – but if you devote even half that amount of time towards it people will perceive you as friendly and approachable. On average, one conversation can take just under three minutes; so don’t overplan things! Just casually pull someone into conversation–they’ll be flattered by your efforts and consequently become close friends with you faster than ever before!

5. If you think someone is funny tell them!

Just as people are drawn to individuals who have a sense of humor, they also gravitate toward those who can make them laugh.

To create rapport with someone in an instant, it’s imperative that you select the one thing about yourself that makes you feel awkward -this will lighten their load in conversation and remind them of past experiences when making contact.

If you find yourself in a social setting, and don’t know what to say next or how to break the ice with another person, the prudent course of action is to ask them!

In situations where there’s no need for pretension (like at a party or on an airplane), it’s perfectly acceptable to speak bluntly: “I’m sorry, I’m not sure what we are supposed to be doing here. Can you help me out?” Not only does this approach keep things casual; it also allows for more conversational topics to arise from this opportunity that may ultimately facilitate deeper bonds between everyone involved.

6. If you see someone doing something nice for someone else do the same thing!

If you witness someone being particularly generous or altruistic, it may be hard not to feel the urge to reciprocate. If so, don’t hesitate – just share your appreciation!

When one person does an act of kindness for another, that individual is often more inclined to grant them something in return. An act of generosity can lead to friendship and fellowship as well as greater trust between parties.

I am a big advocate of doing the same thing, over and over again until you get it right! If you have a specific skill that you’d like to improve upon – make sure you give it the attention it deserves. This can include trying out different styles and techniques while honing your craft; actively seeking educational opportunities and expanding knowledge; as well as interacting with others and locating ways to expose yourself in meaningful ways.

If your goal is to become close friends with someone, then there’s no better way than by making an effort! Experiment with different approaches – identify what works best for you. Ultimately, this will create a bond between both parties that cannot be broken!

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