
How To Write A Motivation Letter That Gets Results (7 Tips)

Motivation letters are a great way to keep your employees on task and motivated. In this article, we will show you how to write a motivation letter that gets results.

1: Choose A Motivating Topic

When it comes to writing a motivation letter, an important factor to consider is choosing an engaging topic that will motivate the reader. While it can be tempting to focus on topics of personal interest, it is important to keep the reader in mind and pick something that is relevant and inspiring. Consider topics that are related to the job or organization you are applying for, or look for creative ways to showcase your skills and experience. By selecting a motivating topic, you will have a better chance of making your motivation letter stand out from the others.

2: Write The Letter As If You Were Speaking To Your Self

Writing a motivation letter can be a daunting task, but with the right approach it can be a great way to showcase your skills and passion for a particular position or area. When writing your motivation letter, it is important to write it as if you are speaking to yourself. Think about why you are interested in the position or area, and what qualities and experiences you possess that make you stand out from the crowd. By taking a personal approach to the letter and being honest with yourself, you will create an effective and unique motivation letter that will have potential employers taking notice.

3: Use Action Verbs And Images

When it comes to writing a strong motivation letter, one of the most important tips to follow is to use action verbs and vivid images. Action verbs help to make your writing more dynamic and interesting, while images can help to make your points more memorable. For example, instead of writing “I am eager to learn”, try using the verb “propel”; this will make the sentence much more engaging. Additionally, including a visual image such as “I am ready to launch my career” can help to further emphasize your point and make your motivation letter stand out.

4: Keep It Short And Sweet

When writing a motivation letter, it is essential to remember to keep it as concise and focused as possible. Aim to make sure that your letter is no longer than one page in length and be sure to remain specific and clear when describing your objectives. Make sure that the letter is easy to read, without too much complexity. Ensure that all of the important information you want to include is included in a succinct manner. By following these steps, you will be able to create a powerful and concise motivation letter.

5: End With A Call To Action

When writing a motivation letter, it is important to end with a call to action. This should be a clear and concise summary of why the reader should act on the content of the letter. It is often beneficial to provide an incentive for the reader to do so, such as offering an opportunity or discount. The call to action should be accompanied by a deadline for when it must be completed in order to be effective. This will ensure that the reader is motivated to take action immediately and not wait until later.

6: Sign Off With Thanks And Appreciation

At the end of a motivation letter, it’s important to thank the reader for taking time to review your letter. Expressing gratitude and appreciation for their attention is a great way to end a letter and leave a lasting impression. Be sure to include any relevant contact information in case the reader has further questions or would like to follow up. A well-written, polite sign-off can make a good impression and perhaps even help you stand out from other applicants.

7: Send It Out!

Once you have finished writing your motivation letter, it is important to review it carefully and check for any typos or grammar mistakes. Once you are confident that your motivation letter is error-free, you should send it off to the recipient. It is recommended to send it via email, as this will provide a digital copy for your records. Additionally, attaching the motivation letter as a PDF will help to ensure that its formatting is preserved.


Writing a motivation letter can be tough, but it is important to keep in mind the key tips outlined in this article. By following these steps, you will be able to create an effective and unique motivation letter that will have potential employers taking notice.

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