
13 Sneaky Home Security Hacks That Will Leave Burglars Bewildered

Have you ever wondered how burglars can get so jovial when breaking into your abode? It’s all thanks to their extensive knowledge of the industry and its security measures. By exploiting these loopholes in our defensive strategies, thieves are able to breach even the most impenetrable areas without any remorse!

Let’s take a look at some of the more ingenious tricks that can help you outsmart would-be burglars

1. Use the Light on Your Doorbell

While most people do not realize it, their front doorbell provides an opportunity for security. If you utilize this as your main entry point into your abode, then don’t forget to turn on its illumination! This not only provides a welcoming sight upon arrival but also discourages potential burglars from bothering in the first place; the thought of facing hostile eyes and apprehended by police makes many take pause before striking when intruders are already anticipating them at home.

How does this work? By making use of your porch’s light or lamp, you can create an inviting atmosphere that welcomes guests without necessitating turning on any additional lights within your home. For example, if possible position a tea light within one corner while leaving its glow spilling out onto the hallway leading to your living quarters.

Even though large areas are illuminated if desired, such as a spacious foyer with a chandelier overhead or even an outdoor patio area illuminated by tiki torches – all remain peaceful and inviting under these circumstances where they allow ample room for guests yet don’t obstruct their passage.

2. Install a Motion Sensor Under Your Kitchen Sink

To keep your kitchen tidy, consider installing a motion sensor under your kitchen sink. This ingenious surveillance measure can be set to activate whenever it detects a presence within range – providing an invaluable reference for when guests arrive.

To up the ante on your security, invest in a motion detector that is capable of detecting humans as well as pets and small animals.

3. Hide Security Cameras Outside Your House

Disguising security cameras as a stationary object outside your abode can be an effective strategy for keeping intruders at bay.

To offer even greater concealment to your camera, attach it discreetly beneath the shrub or above the chimney of your residence. If you’re less inclined toward elaborate design ideas, consider using artificial plants that could provide additional cover for your compact surveillance equipment!

If you have an aversion towards tinkering with your house in any way, employing these solutions may prove beneficial; simply affixing a device such as a motion detector and setting it up on its own can provide adequate coverage for your properties’ needs.

4. Turn to a Remote Garage Door Opener

Are you an avid motorist who tends to leave your garage door ajar? Then it’s possible that thieves could gain access when the remote control is absent – even if they don’t discover this fact immediately!

To prevent this occurrence, invest in a simple and affordable device like the HomaWiz Remote Garage Door Opener. This ingenious gadget is small enough to remain discreetly situated out of sight while also enabling users to remotely open and close their garages from afar with just one button press.

5. Invest in Locksmith Service on Demand

The average cost of an alarm system is approximately $500, yet a locksmith service can be called upon in emergencies for less than $100. For merely $100, you can rest assured that your home is adequately protected against intruders!

Every security measure has its weaknesses; if burglars were to find those vulnerabilities, it would render the system useless. The best way to ensure maximum effectiveness from your home security measures is to have an emergency locksmith on stand-by!

6. Set Up a Fake Reminder Sign to Trick Thieves

How often have we been harassed by onerous chore-reminders? Even though they may not be entirely realistic and even inconvenient at times, one should always heed these alerts: thieves can’t resist them! So if you find yourself in possession of a discarded sign and an empty spot within your abode – why not utilize it for security purposes? Craftily placing an inconspicuous sign near entryways to alert home owners that their property is vacant could provide an additional layer of protection against intruders without requiring any major modifications.

Crafting this ‘trick’ could take just a few minutes, so don’t procrastinate! All you’ll need is a piece of cardboard or paper along with some spray paint; then simply clasp it in place wherever you like before allowing the paint give it a coat of protection.

7. Play a Joke on Your Next Burglar with a Fake Note Inside

When you find yourself in need of a quick, yet amusing way to scare off potential intruders without resorting to drastic action like house alarms, consider dropping an unexpected message inside your abode and revealing it only after they have left.

For instance, if one of your friends is visiting; compose a note on cardstock that reads: ‘To whom it may concern – I was awakened by the sound of breaking glass last night – please do not enter my home!’ Keep this within reach in case any guests are about during their absence later on!

Posing as an unfortunate homeowner or simply making sure to remain out of sight can be effective deterrents against unwanted attention from burglars.

8. Use Old Windows to Your Advantage

If you’ve got an older residence, consider investing in new windows. Not only can they offer increased security without sacrificing any of the architectural appeal you may have cherished; they could even be repurposed into something more useful after the remodel!

For instance, if you’ve acquired some unassigned space at your home but can’t quite bear the prospect of tearing it down – don’t fret! Your old windows could be ideal for creating a walk-in closet or even as additional storage space (ideally tucked away within reach)!

9. Never Let Visitors Knock on Your Door Even If They Look Suspicious

Uninvited visitors and potential burglars can be an unnerving experience, even more so when they knock on your door. You would think that security guards would be the most conspicuous individuals in such scenarios; however, if their appearance is off and they are nervous or unassuming then there may still be a possibility of them being considered suspicious by those on the inside looking out.

To avoid this conundrum – simply don’t let anyone enter without an invitation. If you do allow guests into your abode, always verify their credentials before allowing them entry.

10. Make It Harder for Burglars to Break Into Your Basement by Hiding Screws or Throwing Out Plastic Sheets in your Walls

Hiding screws or plastic sheeting in your basement is a great way to make it harder for burglars to pry open a lock or cut through the wall. If you conceal screws and fasteners within the walls, they’ll have a more difficult time accessing them – which can lead to delays.

If you’re nervous about concealing screwholes or removing sheets of plastic from your walls, consider painting over them with a primer. This could help prevent any suspicious activity that may arise later on!

11. Install an Intruder Alarm that Will Send the Police if Someone Breaches into your House While You Are not Present

If you own a dwelling, it is essential to have an alarm system in place. An intruder can easily bypass alarms that are not activated – so consider installing one!

Investing in an intrusion alarm might seem like an expensive undertaking; however, they come at a reasonable cost when compared to hiring private security services or investing in additional home security measures.

12. Hide Something Cute and Funny in Front of your Front Door to Fool your Burglars!

To deter would-be intruders from even attempting entry into your abode, it is imperative to make them aware of its not so welcoming nature.

However, for those occasions where you feel a little more sultry than usual or wish to elicit an idyllic response from those who enter your domicile – why not adorn your front door with one of these cute decals? They are sure to send a message to those who might be inclined towards wrongdoing in the neighborhood that this dwelling is patrolled by a formidable guardian!

13. Don’t leave valuables where they’ll be seen by strangers.

Make sure that anything that could potentially attract unwanted attention is kept away from windows, doors and other prominent spots where they might be spotted by onlookers.

This could be an expensive mistake if someone were to walk off with valu

able items!


To ensure your home remains protected, take advantage of the ingenious techniques outlined above! After all, there’s no need to panic when it comes to security.

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