
Jaw-Dropping Signs You’re Dealing with a Full-Blown Narcissist

Narcissistic personalities are among the most formidable foes you will face in life, and they can be encountered at any stage of your existence – whether you’re just starting out or have been navigating through it all along.

Do you find yourself perplexed by why someone would behave in an unusual manner? Or perhaps disheartened when encountering a particularly difficult situation? The answer is simple: You’re dealing with a narcissist!

If you’ve ever wondered why people don’t want to associate with you or experience resentment upon hearing about your exit from their lives, then this is certainly an explanation for it. Let’s take a closer look at what these enigmatic individuals have in store for you – so that next time you encounter them on social media or meet up with them in person, you’ll know exactly what to expect!

Your Partner Shows No Remorse When They Make A Mistake

Unless you’re a novice in the relationship world, it is likely that there have been instances when your partner has made an error. Do they express regret or shame? If so, how genuine is their remorse? These are all vital signs assessing whether or not the person in question possesses narcissistic tendencies!

If your partner is hesitant to admit wrongdoing and feels ashamed at having committed a blunder, this could be an indication that he or she may harbor some degree of narcissism within their psyche. Indeed, if an individual’s lack of contrition upon making a mistake is indicative of defensiveness around vulnerability or lack of self-worth – such tendencies would fall squarely within the realm of narcissistic behavior!

They Have No Problem Lying To You If It Will Benefit Them

Narcissists aren’t above making false claims or inventing events if they feel like it. They may even utilize a little white lie to advance their agenda; however, if the truth will result in any harm to themselves or others – they’ll brazenly circumvent that!

Indeed, many narcissists are adept at lying with impunity. Their frequent fabrications can derail even long-established relationships, so be cautious when dealing with them.

You Find Yourself Stating The Similarities Between You

Your partner may often observe similarities between you and another individual; the primary purpose of which is to help this person feel more comfortable about their relationship. However, if those similarities are not truly existent in nature then it could be indicative of deliberate flattery!

With regard to the narcissist’s behavior, there is no deviation from what one might expect – they’re unabashedly themselves. They’re unapologetic about appearing haughty or egotistical; exhibiting arrogance without fail.

Their Friends Are All Good People

When it comes to close friendships, a narcissist is most likely bemoaning the fact that their circle of acquaintances consists solely of virtuous individuals. They may suggest that this circumstance is indicative of how superior their own life must be!

Not only can those around them become reluctant to speak out against you or provide meaningful assistance, they could even become gatekeepers who place themselves between you and others’ contact information. This makes it more challenging for people to reach out or connect with you; therefore, raising questions about why such an individual needs help from anyone at all.


Perhaps the most troublesome aspect of narcissistic personalities is their propensity to downplay their achievements and accomplishments. For example, an introverted narcissist may profess to be a steadfast loner who’s content with his solitary lifestyle while at the same time lavishing praise on his many achievements – both within and outside of the workplace.

This ploy demonstrates that they are acutely aware of their shortcomings yet they attempt to shift attention away from them by highlighting other aspects of themselves instead. This could mean belittling those whose accomplishments trail behind theirs – or even praising someone else in contrast!

They Don’t Care About Anyone But Himself/Herself

Narcissists are power-hungry individuals who thrive on control. They typically possess an inflated sense of self-worth, and their propensity for grandiosity can be attributed to their fragile ego needs; therefore they require constant affirmation and acceptance from others in order to maintain their sense of superiority.

Narcissists’ wantonly selfish demeanor can easily be witnessed by them being uninterested in, or even oblivious to the needs of others. An all-consuming preoccupation with one’s own interests is a trait commonly observed among those with this particular personality disorder; most will be content when left alone so that they may pursue what makes them truly happy!

You’ve Reached Your Limit With Their Behavior And You Just Want Out

Narcissists can be extraordinarily stubborn when it comes to confronting their shortcomings. If you want them to consider deep and meaningful change, it helps to be persistent in your efforts.

On the other hand, if Narcissistic people feel they’ve sufficiently appeased you with any effort whatsoever then they will abandon any further attempts at reform.

Pro Tip: When you do attempt to address your concerns with the narcissist, don’t get discouraged if he or she doesn’t reply right away. Instead, just let them know that you’ll be patiently awaiting an answer from them in a matter of days – weeks even!


Every narcissist I have ever come across was a disappointment. They failed to live up to my expectations and left me hollowed out and disillusioned.

I can’t tell you how many times people have told me that I’m hardworking, selfless or even generous – only to find out later that these individuals knew me when I was married to a narcissist who admittedly did none of those things.

If you are navigating the choppy waters of an emotionally turbulent relationship with a narcissist, don’t despair! Take heart; this is merely one more bump along your journey. If you’re determined, patient and persistent – as well as willing to allow self-love and compassion – then eventually your happiness will prevail over all.

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